Since its launch in September 2022, Touchpoint brings together all EEX asset classes in a single, intuitive, and easy to use trade registration platform. Today, the feature rich system provides a comprehensive range of trade registration and administration services and tools, allowing users to control all parts of the OTC trade workflow.
Specifically designed to cater to a broad range of different users.
See how EEX Group Touchpoint works
Welcome to our How-To video series!
These videos are designed to provide you with valuable insights and information on everything from Co-broker trade booking to Clearing Member risk limit set up, helping you to keep #TradingEfficienciesAtYourFingertips. Whether you're new to EEX Group Touchpoint or looking to brush up on your knowledge of the range of functionality, these videos will provide you with the information you need to make the most of the intuitive platform.
Simply click below to access our How-To videos!
Watch our webinar recordings
In the run up to the launch, Team Touchpoint was holding a series of webinars which explained the key functionalities of the platform and outlined how users can benefit from greater trading efficiency.